Hirevue Game Practice: Candidate Guide & Prep Course

Welcome to the number 1 prep hub for Hirevue’s game-based assessments!

  1. Learn about each Hirevue game with samples.
  2. Understand how to prepare for each game.
  3. Get practice resources to help you maximize your score potential.
  4. Get answers to any question you have about the testing process.

Table of Contents

Hirevue Game-Based Assessments Explained

Hirevue uses games instead of standard aptitude tests to make the testing process more engaging and intuitive. These games still require preparation in advance since they are fast-paced and may require forgotten skills, like basic arithmetic. Let’s review each game with some samples to have a better understanding of what’s going on. 

Digitspan: Memory 

The Digitspan game will test your short-term memory, an important skill that is correlated with intelligence. You will have to memorize sequences of letters and numbers. The game starts with easy items and becomes more and more difficult as you continue remembering the sequences successfully. Short-term memory has been shown to improve with training! 

hirevue memory game example. Also known as digitspan.
  • Time limit: 3 minutes
  • Longest sequence: 9 items

Digitspan game is based on one of the most popular memory challenges. Quickly observe a series of letters or numbers, and then try recalling them with no mistakes. The human brain can usually cope with up to 6 items, but it depends on whether the items are shown in one sequence or in separate segments. It also depends on how much time is given to memorize the sequence.

You can practice Digitspan with our prep course.

Example of a Hirevue numeracy game, known as Numerocity.
  • Total game time: 3 minutes
  • Time per level: 15 seconds
  • Operations involved: + – × ÷

Numerosity: Numerical Reasoning

Hirevue’s Numerosity game is very challenging. You will have to choose numbers that can create the desired result, using the four operations. The game starts with addition exercises and ends with division. Here too, the game is adaptive and will serve more difficult items depending on your answer pattern. 

In the example above, we’re asked to arrive at a result of 42 using addition only. Can you find a group of numbers that can answer this challenge correctly?

On the real Numerosity game,  you will start with simple addition challenges. If you  answer them correctly, you’ll see more items on the screen and a higher target result. In some cases, you’ll need to use three numbers to arrive at the target.

If you keep getting the addition exercises correct, you’ll be served with subtraction exercises, followed by multiplication, and finally division.

You can tell if you’re doing well by the complexity of the questions and the operation involved. If you do well, you’ll be solving difficult, 3-digit division challenges.

You can practice Numerosity with our prep course.

Practice Hirevue's games
Training in advance works! With our prep games you can improve your response times and the % of correct answers.

Shapedance: Spatial Reasoning

This game is also very challenging. You’ll have to spot identical images that have lots of details and are also rotated in space. This game demands both spatial perception, working memory, and processing speed.   

  • Total game time: 3 minutes
  • Time per level: 20 seconds

In the example on the right, we’re asked to mark all the identical grids. As you can see, two of them are identical and are simply rotated differently in space.

The Shapedance game will increase in complexity if you keep answering each level correctly. The difficulty level will increase through two metrics: The number of objects that each grid contains (e.g. two stars vs five stars) and the rotation angle of the grids. Some of the grids will even be spinning nonstop to add another level of confusion.

You can practice Shapedance with our prep course.

Score higher on Hirevue's games
Training in advance works! With our prep games you can improve your response times and the % of correct answers.

Game-based Assessments are still a Test!

Hirevue’s game-based assessments are tests in disguise. Don’t be fooled to think that gamification makes them easier or of less impact.

  • Gamification simply makes the testing experience more engaging and less formal than standard multiple-choice questions. 
  • A game requires similar components and time constraints that are used in standard assessments of intelligence and cognitive aptitude.

If you want your candidate profile to be competitive, you must prepare in advance for your upcoming Hirevue assessment.

Preparation is KEY

The good news is that preparation can help you maximize your score potential. 

  • Hirevue’s games are timed. You have around three minutes per game and only 15-20 seconds per level. That means you have to be very quick. Simulating the same time constraints in advance puts you in a more comfortable position. 
  • The games are based on tasks that can be mastered with training, especially when it comes to math and pattern recognition.

If you practice Hirevue games in advance you make sure to score as high as possible in the limits of your innate abilities. 

Practice Hirevue Games with Us

We can help you prepare for your Hirevue assessment with our range of engaging and smart prep games. Check out the curriculum of our prep course to learn more. See course curriculum → 



Which Hirevue games are used by Shell?

Shell uses four of Hirevue’s games:

  1. Digitspan
  2. Puzzlepicture
  3. Flashback
  4. Portrait

We currently offer a prep game that simulates Digitspan. Read the full course description. 

Which Hirevue games are used by Unilever?

If you’re applying to Unilever, you can expect to take two Hirevue game-based assessments:

  1.  Numerosity
  2.  Shapedance

We can help you prep for these games. Check out our prep course.

Which Hirevuew games are used by BHP?

BHP uses two Hirevuew games in the hiring process:

  1. Numerosity
  2. Shapedance

You can train for these games with us. Check our prep course.

Which Hirevuew games are used by EY?

Earnst and Young (EY) also use two Hirevuew games in the hiring process:

  1. Numerosity
  2. Shapedance

You can train for these games with us. Check our prep course.

What is considered a good score on Hirevue's games?

Firstly, remember that these games are adaptive and depend on an individual’s response pattern. Secondly, there is no specific numerical score that you can try to get to. It’s simply about answering as many questions correctly, as the difficulty level increases.   For example, in Numerosity, you want to get past addition and subtraction levels and solve multiplication and division questions correctly as well. That means you can progress through the game’s basic level tasks and get a higher percentile score.  


12minprep.com is not affiliated, nor does it belong to Hirevue, the publisher of the games discussed in this article. This website solely provides information and practice resources for cognitive ability tests.