Cognify Test Practice – Free Examples and Tips for Success

Hi there,

Were you invited to take the Cognify test by Criteria? You’ve come to the right place! Discover great ways to prep for this assessment, either for free or for a fair amount of money. Keep reading and start practicing for free. 

*Last update: November 2023

Quick Recap – What is it all about?

Cognify is a game-based cognitive assessment that includes six mini-games. Each game has a 3-5 minute time limit and you may be asked to take only some of the games, depending on the employer’s decision. Just like a classic cognitive ability test, it is said to predict how candidates will perform on the job.

Cognify used to belong to Revelian, an Australian assessment company that was acquired by CriteriaCorp. Nowadays, it’s known as the Criteria Cognify test.

The games are divided into three categories of cognitive abilities:

  1. Problem solving (3) – measuring the ability to learn quickly and solve problems without prior knowledge.
  2. Numerical reasoning (2) – quantitative concepts, mathematical knowledge and ability to work under time pressure.
  3. Verbal knowledge (1) – indicates reading writing skills. This game does not have to be included in the assessment, and depends on the employer’s specific needs.


I’ve added links to more information about the assessment: 

Cognify Practice Test Alternative 1: DIY

If you wish to prep for the Cognify assessment on your own, Apple’s and Google’s app stores are packed with apps that offer brain training games that are similar and sometimes even identical to the mini-games used in Revelian’s Cognify. A simple search for “brain training” on either app store will reveal a long tail of such apps, some of which are good, and most of which aren’t.

The good news is that I’ve done the mundane and hard work of going through tens of apps, and made sure to match each of Cognify’s mini games to an app that simulates that game to a satisfying extent.

All you have to do is pick a table below according to your device type ( Android, iOS) and follow the instructions. The apps I listed offer a free version that allows you to practice some of the games, thus downloading those apps and focusing on the games that I highlighted will serve as an excellent, free Cognify practice test!

Pros: Mostly free of charge

Cons: This method requires collating multiple resources and having access to more than one device type (iOS vs. Android). In addition, the games are not exact-match prep alternatives.

Cognify game  What is it? Identical free practice Similar free practice
Resemble Mental rotations and matching patterns. Peak – puzzle blox

Block Puzzle King

Lumosity – Penguin Pursuit

Train your brain Visuospatial – 3d figures, Symmetry, Block Puzzle

Gridlock Spatial puzzle, fitting Tetris-like shapes into a 3×3 grid. Lumosity – pet detective
Shortcuts Move a blue marble to a starred area in as little steps as possible.
Tally up Determine which side has the highest value. Lumosity – chalkboard challenge


Numbubbles Find equations that are equal to a given target number. Lumosity – Raindrops 
Proofit Identify misspelt words and punctuation errors. Magoosh Grammar
Cognify game What is it? Identical free practice Similar free practice
Resemble Mental rotations and matching patterns. Peak – puzzle blox

Brain Yoga

Lumosity – Penguin Pursuit

Train your brain Visuospatial – 3d figures, Symmetry, Block Puzzle

Gridlock Spatial puzzle, fitting Tetris-like shapes into a 3×3 grid. Lumosity – pet detective
Shortcuts Move a blue marble to a starred area in as little steps as possible. Brain Yoga
Tally up Determine which side has the highest value. Lumosity – chalkboard challenge
Numbubbles Find equations that are equal to a given target number. BrainTrainer – mathskill

Lumosity – Raindrops 

Proofit Identify misspelt words and punctuation errors. Spelling bee (choose grade 12)

Magoosh Grammar

Howtospell is a good resource with plenty of practice tests.

Cognify Practice Test Alternative 2: Prep with Us!

We have developed some amazing prep games that can help you prep for the Cognify test.

cognify test sample items

Pros: Save time, and get focused prep materials.

Cons: You tell us, you can try it with a 100% money-back guarantee!

Maximize your Cognify score

Learn how our prep course can help you

Your Cognify Score

While each of the six mini-games are scored separately, it is the overall score summary that your employer will be looking at when making hiring decisions. Here’s what it looks like:

Cognify test score report excerpt


That’s it, I hope you found this quick guide helpful. If you have any questions – simply use our chatbox. I’ll reply in no time!