About 12MinPrep
Awesome, Affordable, Attentive.
360° Prep Courses
Each prep course is built from A to Z. A structured curriculum guides you through the process and gets you standing on both feet, ready to ace your test.
Short And Effective
Our courses can be completed within 24 hours, which is sadly the time window many employers give candidates.
Fairly Priced
We insist on offering our services at reasonable prices to cater the widest audience possible, from all countries.
Here For You
You have a question? We have an answer. Whether you’re a paying customer or just a perplexed candidate, you’ll get answers to your questions and worries from people in the know, in no-time!
A Word From The Founder
Short bio: Former Director and VP at test prep companies, ex-teacher, and private tutor. Knows pre-employment cognitive ability tests inside out. Passionate about helping you succeed. Gideon also serves as VP Marketing & Customer Experience at DecodeChess, a new start-up in the world of Chess education.
Field Expertise
Cognitive ability testing is our expertise. Combined with our teaching and content development skills, we create prep courses that help candidates like you improve their performance in short time frames.
Each course includes all the ingredients necessary for success. From video lessons per topic, to practice questions and solving tips that help you solve faster.
A Passion To Teach
A good prep course requires more than just understanding the logical mechanisms of each question type on the test and throwing loads of materials at you.Â
The key is about delivering tough principles in a smart, concise and effective way. It’s also about giving personal attention to candidates who struggle. That’s why we’re the only ones to offer one-on-one coaching sessions.
We're Trusted By The Best
12minprep is listed as a recommended practice resource among the best universities and recruitment teams of known and reputable employers.